Beginner Guitar Lessons (Learn at a Fraction of the Cost)

A lot of people decide to play guitar. And go all out to get the best guitar and spend hundreds of dollars an hour. To learn to play guitar. But I have put together an affordable course. That will get you playing guitar the quickest way possible. So why struggle to learn bits and pieces. When you can get a step by step “how to.” Beginner guitar lessons at a fraction of the cost.

Beginner Guitar Lessons (Learn at a Fraction of Cost). Here’s what you can learn with the beginner guitar lessons: Proper Guitar Technique, Fretting Hand Techniques, 11 Chords you must know, Chord Transitioning,Theory 101, and Strumming. Then learn intermediate chords. Plus a bonus ebook that brings it all together.

What is the First Thing a Beginner Guitarist Should Learn?

This is something that you don’t really think about. That you probably take for granted. I mean how difficult can it be to hold a guitar? But did you know that there are different ways to hold the guitar. Ways that can make it easier for you to be able to play the chords. After all there is a lot of New things you will need to learn. Learn the basics the right way. Then the rest will come a lot easier.

Learn how to hold the guitar the right way. Would be step one. Then you can learn some other techniques. Also it would be a good idea to learn the different parts of the guitar. It’s like anything new that you buy. You need to know how to operate it. Yes you have strings. And you know you need to strum to get the sound.

But if you learn all the components. Then you will know the mechanics of how the instrument works. And be able to change the strings on your guitar. Tune your guitar. Things that are really not hard. But like everything new you need to learn. Then you won’t have to take your guitar in to the shop. When a string breaks.

These are some of the things that you will learn in the Beginner Guitar lessons Bootcamp Course.

Beginner Guitar Chords You Should Know

If you are like me you probably saw your favorite guitarist “rocking out.” The next thought was that is so cool. I want to do that. You can do that. But what you saw was a lot of technique and some ability. Put together to get the end result of a guitar player. One thing is for sure that even the best of the best. You name your Rock hero and they too had to start from the beginning.

There are chords that every guitar player starting out should know. So that you will be able to play thousands of songs. Even in the beginning before you learn barre chords. With these chords you will be able to play 1000 of songs. I will show you in the guitar bootcamp course the 11 essential chords. And make it easy for you. Learn the quickest way possible.

You will also learn the technique’s necessary to fret the strings. I will give you my secrets. That will get you playing chords properly. And they will sound great every time.

Guitar Lessons for Beginners PDF’s has everything for beginner guitar players and beyond. I am proud to be able to help so many people on there guitar journey.

Yes, we even have beginner guitar PDF’s to help you find your sound. In the Bootcamp course there are individual cheat sheets for you to print out. Take with you to practice and learn how to play your guitar. There are even practice exercise to whip your fingers into shape.

In the course you will have everything you need. To make it easy to start playing your guitar.

Beginner Guitar Lessons Prices

You can spend hundreds of dollars each week. Just to learn how to play guitar. But that is more “old school.” And it doesn’t have to be that expensive to learn to play guitar. What you need is a good guitar, a little bit of time, and a good teacher. When I started out years ago you had no choose. You had to lug your guitar to the music store.

Then usually wait for the session that was ahead of you to finish. When it was all said and done your half hour lesson was compressed into a shorter period of time. So you were not really getting what you paid for. That’s was a big reason to make an online course. You are able to practice 24/7 and the cost to take guitar lessons the old way was getting out of control.

Practice and Play Beginner Guitar Lessons at Your Own Pace

I don’t know about you, but for me. I learn things at a different pace than other people. This is not one size fits all. And sometimes you may not have as much time to practice your guitar. This is something that I think will be very beneficial to you. With this course you can learn how you want to learn.

What I mean is:

  1. Learn when you have the time to learn.
  2. Play the course anytime of the day or night. Which suites your needs.
  3. Go back a lesson as many times as it takes to master that technique.
  4. Stop in the middle of a lesson. And then continue in the same place as you left off the next day.
  5. Move around in the course to the lesson you want to take. (I recommend staying in order). But it’s your choose.

These are just a few reasons. That make owning your own guitar course very practical. And really the cheapest way to learn guitar. Not just the cheapest way. But in my course I guarantee your satisfaction or your money back. So really the only risk you have is; Learning to play the guitar. In the convenience of your own home.


All Access Get your ticket to 40,000 + Lessons. 30,000 + Tabs, Notation and Instructors for all Genre’s. Beginners, Intermediate and beyond. All access streaming anytime anywhere. All Access On Sale Now! See how much You can Save. A small window of time before the sale ends on All Access.

Beginner Guitar Lessons on YouTube

There is a lot you can learn on YouTube. I agree, but this is the long way to get there. How can you learn something from the beginning. When you don’t know what it is that you need to learn? You could spend a lot of your time. Hunting down video after video to get a complete overall review on a subject. And then still be missing the core principles. Or you could pay a small price to get a complete course. That will take you from A-Z the quickest way possible.

There is a place for YouTube. Even I have a YouTube Channel. But if you want to learn the basic principles, Techniques in the shortest time possible. And avoid all the frustration of doing on your own. I would recommend trying the Beginnner guitar Bootcamp Course.

On Sale Now for a Limited Time $97.00

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