I was thinking about how things have progressed really fast. Back in the day things were a lot different. You had to gather up your picks, music book, Strap, and oh yeah your guitar. Lug it into the “metal” car. Drive to the music store to take lessons. That got me thinking how much does it cost to take guitar lessons?
If your wondering how much does it cost to take guitar lessons? Here is a quick answer how much does it cost to take guitar lessons? Private instruction usually has two rates. 30 and 60 minute instructional. There is often a one time registration fee. Then the guitar lesson is $35.00 – 75.00. This is at your local guitar/music store.
This price is from a corporate store. Where the prices are most likely at more of a family friendly rate. When you go to a one on one guitar instructor then the prices can become even more inflated.
Thank goodness for the invention of the internet. Now
how much does it cost to take guitar lessons? Now you can take guitar lessons in the comfort of your own home. Continue with me as I have an eye opener for you on how much guitar lessons are with the advent of the internet.
How Much does it Cost to Take Guitar Lessons In the Music Store?
There is something Nostalgic about driving to the local music store. Pulling out your guitar from the trunk. Walking in with that walk of “I’m going to be the next rock star”. Then having that one on one, time with your instructor.
Although there is still plenty of guitar lessons like this. They are limiting. What I mean is you get half an hour a week. If your lucky an can afford it. You get one hour a week of instruction.
Then your on your own again. Until next week; where you spend 15 minutes covering last weeks work. Then another 15 minutes for new instruction. All for a starting price of $35.00, and it goes up from there. It can be as high as $100. for once a week.
How Much do Guitar Lessons Cost Per Hour?
One hour of guitar lessons can very. This depends totally on the institution. On Average for one hour of lessons are between $75.00 – $125.00.
Things have changed a lot though. You can get lessons online. Say the average lesson is at the low end of $75.00. This is for one hour of instruction a week.
This adds up to $300.00 a month. Which is a whopping $3600.00 a year. That was on the low end of the lesson scale. You can do way better than this. You don’t even have to drive to the store. Heck you can learn in your Pajamas if you want. All in the comfort of your own home.
This is not anything new. This is Truefire i’m talking about. If you can Imagine having access to over 40,000 lessons, and 800 plus courses. With access to thousands of Tabs, Notation, and Jam Tracks. Not to mention them last, but some of the top instructors.
Just think what this would mean! You no longer are limited to a mere 30 minutes a week. You have access to guitar lessons 24/7. Which means anytime any plays you can stream on any device.
Truefire All Access Pass
is the best way to learn guitar and the most economical. I forgot to mention “Genre”. Learn all styles and skill levels. So what are you waiting for? Take a look at the Bargain price of All Access by Truefire.
Here is a comparison of Conventional music store (Private) guitar lessons. Verses NEW Age Guitar Lessons.
Truefire | Local Music Store | |
Price | Click for Sale Price | $35.00 – $125.00 |
Lesson Time | Unlimited Anywhere, Any Device | 30 – 60 minutes once a week. |
Lesson Time Per Month | Unlimited Anywhere, Anytime, | 4 times a month Sources |
Genre | Rock, Country, Blues, Classical, Metal | Maybe if the instructor is knowledgeable in the Genre. |
See why it is a no brainier to ditch the private guitar lesson. To get more bang for your buck with Truefire. Take a look at these Affordable Guitar Lessons.
By using the internet you can leverage your resources and time to get more access to learning. Which will allow you to learn at your own pace. But you can use these same resources to accelerate your learning.
Why get stuck learning guitar in half hour increments. When with all access you can practice everyday as much as you want.

All Instruments including guitar. All levels and Any age group. Self paced, step by step video courses. LEARN More >>
Group Guitar Lessons
There are also guitar lessons where you are in a room with 3 – 5 other newbie guitar players. One instructor to teach all of you. Well you know right off the bat that you are not going to get the one on one time you need to have a great learning experience.
This is done so as to keep the cost of the lessons down. To make it more affordable for each student.
The problem is, well you get what you pay for. To really learn the guitar it takes time, and a good teacher.
Also I remember my first guitar teacher was up their in age. Which is not a bad thing he had some experience. But he also teaching me what she wanted me to learn. At the time I was not into Jazz as a 7 year old.
With online courses you can pick your favorite music to learn. I hope I have given you enough information so that you can be an informed student. When it comes to guitar lessons.
>>Check Out Sharon’s Guitar Academy for the best Priced online Courses. <<
Related Questions
How Much Do Guitar Lessons Cost Per Hour?
Guitar Lessons are usually priced as a half hour of time. They start as low as $35.00 per half an hour and go up from there. Based on an hour of time this would be $70.00 for an hour lesson. But I have seen it as high as $125, for a private guitar lesson.
This is why finding a reliable course online can 10X your learning. Bringing your guitar playing to the next level faster.
How Often Should You Take Guitar Lessons?
When you are learning to play the guitars. You will find that the more you practice. The quicker you will become proficient with playing.
This is true with all musical instruments not just the guitar. But like all instruments, and anything new. You have to learn the basics first.
This is where guitar lessons can really propel you forward. With good instruction you will get a firm foundation to work with.
In the beginning you will want to take lessons as often as possible. The more lessons you take, the more fundamentals, and techniques you will learn. The outcome if you practice is you will become a better guitarist in a shorter period of time.
This is why I recommend online lessons and courses.
Fender Play Guitar Lessons
Another form of online guitar lessons is with an App. For Example Fender Play. There are several ways to learn online. This is a reliable source of learning, but there is an ongoing Subscription. Not like when you by a course. If you want to learn more about the Fender Play App for guitar lessons. And what the cost is: Click this link What is Fender Play?