Eric Church You Make it Look so Easy Guitar Lesson Chords

Having a YouTube Channel Keeps me busy. So Busy that I miss a lot of new songs. So that’s when requests from super fans comes in handy. And that’s how this guitar lesson came to be. Eric Church You Make it Look so Easy Guitar Lesson Chords.

So if you want to learn how to play You Make it Look So Easy by Eric Church. Here’s what the lesson is about. Eric Church You Make it Look so Easy Guitar Lesson Chords:

  • The Chords to You Make it Look so Easy By Eric Church.
  • You Make it Look so Easy Rhythm Pattern
  • Chord Progression to You Make it Look So Easy.
  • Learn the intro, Chorus, Verses Bridge and Outro.
  • Eric Church Lyrics to You make it Look so Easy
  • A Video Tutorial

If that sounds like something you would like to learn. Then grab your guitar and lets get started.

The Chords to You Make it Look so Easy By Eric Church

Take a look at the chords in the diagram. They may be different then some other chords that you can find on line. But this is based off of the live version and this is how I hear it. Eric is using a capo and this lesson is without the capo. And with easy chords in the open position of the neck.

So that even a beginner with some practice will be able to play this song. If you need help with reading a chord diagram. Take a look at this quick reference How to read a Chord. If not take a look at the chord diagram below.

Here is how to position your fingers to play those chords.

How to Play a G Chord

  • Place your second finger on the 5th string, at the second fret.
  • Third finger on the 6th string, at the third fret.
  • Pinkie on the high E string, the 1st string, at the third fret.
  • Strum all the strings.

There are several ways to play the G chord this is one of them. You can move your fingers around and play the chord at the same fret on the same strings. And you still have a G. So find the best way for you and go for it. Next is the C chord.

How to Position Your Fingers for the C Chord

  • Place your first finger on the B string, at the first fret. (2nd string).
  • Your second finger is on the D string. 4th string, at the second fret.
  • Then your third finger is on the 5th string. At the third fret. Which is the A string.
  • When Strumming the C chord. Don’t play the 6 string.

Em Chord Finger Position

  • Your second finger is placed on the 5th string. At the second fret.
  • Put your third finger on the 4th string. Also at the second fret.
  • When strumming the Em chord you can play all the strings.

The E minor chord sounds great and is so easy to play.

Finger Position of the Am Chord

  • Place your first finger on the 2nd string. The B String, at the 1st fret.
  • Put your second finger on the 4th string, (D string) at the second fret.
  • Then your third finger is on the G string, (3rd string) at the second fret.
  • Strum from the fourth string down.

There is a Sus chord, but we will cover that a little later.

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You Make it Look so Easy By Eric Church Rhythm Pattern

When I first heard this song I began to dive in. And I was listening to the live version. If you haven’t heard it. Check it out on YouTube. But then a month later after I did the YouTube video I heard a different version of the song. It’s hard to believe it’s the same song. The Rhythm pattern in the live version goes like this. D U D U D D D, D U D U DD.

The Into to Eric Church You Make it Look so Easy (Live)

The song starts with a G but there is a little Lick in between the chord strum. And it goes like this; First you are using your second finger on the second fret of the D string. Which is the fourth string. And what you want to do is pick the D string open. Meaning with no fretting the string. Then you fret the D string at the second fret. With that second finger. And then pick the open G string.

After that you go right into strumming the G chord. When you strum the G chord. You want to strum Down Up Down. That’s it. Then Pick that same little Riff. You do this 4 times. And then the Verse starts.

Also You want to use the palm of your hand to mute the strings after strumming the G chord. Deaden the strings so that you can play the Lick.

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Chord Progression to You Make it Look So Easy.

  • The Verse Starts and the progression is; G G C Am, G G C Am.
  • Then there is a chorus and the chord progression is: G Em C Am G.
  • Then the Lick from the intro is played two times.
  • Another verse G G C Am, G E C Am G
  • Then the Bridge is, Em C Am G, Em C Am Then There is a Sus Chord.

The Sus Chord Is Asus4. Which sounds big and bad. But really when you are playing the Am you are then going to place your pinkie on the 3rd fret of the B string. Pick it and remove it. Pick the B String again. Then Move your third finger to the second fret of the B and play the B again.

  • Verse G G C Am, G G C Am.
  • Chorus G Em C Am G.
  • Bridge Em C Am G, Em C Am Then There is a Sus Chord.
  • Verse G G C Am, G G C Am.
  • Chorus G Em C Am G.
  • Outro Am C G

Video Tutorial

Eric Church Lyrics to You make it Look so Easy

I got a hard head, I get that from my dad.
And I can over react just a tad.
I put up walls to show the world I'm tough.
When things don't get my way,  I get difficult.

But when it comes to loving me.
Baby You make it look so easy.

I'm Probably wrong more than I say. 
And I'd point that out if you were that way.
Yeah, I'm hard to love and even harder to live with.
And I know there's days, you just want to up and quit.

But when it comes to loving me.
Baby You make it look so easy.

Your my compass when I'm lost, my anchor when I get tossed.
And the right way, when all I can do is wrong. 
Sometimes I drink till I fall down. 
Your arms save me from the ground.
Hold me till all the hurt is gone.

Yeah I got a hard head, I was born that way.
And that makes me wrong, more than I say.
But I thank God, you got a hard head too. 
I guess he must have known, you need that to get us through.

And when it comes to loving me, Baby you, make it look so easy. 
Your my refuge from the road, a safe place to go.
When I'm out here living on this ledge.
And when I'm circling the drain, you keep my crazy sane.
And quiet all the voices in my head.

I got a hard head, I was born that way.
And that makes me wrong, more than I say.
But I thank God, you got a hard head too.
I guess he must have known, you need that to get us through.

And when it comes to loving me, Baby you, make it look so easy.
Yeah, Baby you, make it look so easy.

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Eric Church You Make it Look so Easy

About You Make it Look so Easy

In January 2008 Erich church got married and performed the song You Make it Look so Easy. A song her wrote for his wife, Kathrine Blasingame. Source

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