When I was searching to find a way to get the information that took me years to gather. To bring it to people in a fast easy way. So that my readers could quickly learn and take action. I started a blog.
How to Start a Blog the Easy Way! Here are 14 Steps how to Start a blog the easy way. 1 Choose a Topic. 2 Choose a Domain. 3 Buy Hosting. 4 Decide on a platform. 5 Choose a Theme 6 Learn Seo. 7 Create a Home Page. 8 Create about me page. 9 Create a menu. 10 Add a Side Bar. 11 Learn Legalities. 12 Create Posts. 13 Add Content. 14 Monetize the Website.
While this may seem like a lot to learn and overcome. It is very time consuming when you first start out. If you learn from someone that has already done it. Who knows what actions to take- Project 24. Then it makes learning how to start a blog easy. If this is something you want to learn. Then start now and take action. Learn more about the 14 steps below, and how to create your blog.
How do You Become a Blogger?
When I first Started my blog I new nothing about creating a Blog. When I say “nothing”, I mean absolutely nothing. This may be where you are starting out also. So if you are, I know exactly how you feel.
When I first started my blog I had to decide what to write about. For me it was an easy decision as I love the guitar. Everything about the guitar. I eat, sleep, and breathe guitar. Oh and play the guitar. I have been playing for years. So the first step of deciding what I wanted to write about was easy.
What to write about can be anything and everything! This is the “topic” , your blog will be about. It is also called a niche. A niche is just a fancy word for what your writing about. What’s the theme, and content surrounding your website.
Like I said my “niche” is about guitars. I write about specific guitars and reviews. Also how to play the guitar for beginners, and more. So I can cover a lot of different topics concerning the guitar.
You don’t want to write about a thin topic. What I mean is if you write only about ball point pens then you won’t be able to elaborate on the topic. How many articles can be written about a ball point pen?
So instead of “ball Point Pens”, maybe you write about office supplies. Then you can include an article about ball point pens. Just an example. I would think ball point pens would be quite boring.
Picking a Topic
If you want to See a video about creating a successful Blog click Here: Project 24.
Something to think about. When you are thinking of what topic to choose to write about. In my opinion you should pick a topic that you like a lot. That you are really into, and interested in. This will make writing a breeze. You don’t want to pick a subject that is so bland and boring. That you struggle to get on the computer, and actually sit and write.
Don’t spend to much time on this, but enough time that you pick the right niche. After all you are planning on spending hours, days, and nights with this Topic.
After Choosing your niche you will want to get a domain. The domain is the address of your website. This is an important part of the process also. You want the name of the Website to reflect what the niche is about. Like Camping World or Toys R Us.
Choose a Domain Name
The Domain name is a human friendly way of remembering the address. Instead of having to type in a complicated Ip Address into your browser. Each time you want to pull up the Website.
The Domain name is the first part of the URL. For instance YourGuitarGuide.com The YourGuitarGuide is the Domain name. The Prefix is .com , .org or .blog for example. Which is also called the “top level domain”. When it comes to a Top level domain. I would recommend using the .com prefix.
To start a Website or a blog you need to have a domain name. This is a name that is either going to have the type of niche included in the name, or a memorable brand name.
Like previously mentioned, Camping World. You know by the name what the website is about. Whether you have heard of it or not. Camping!
Another name of a website could be a branded name. Like Bestbuy.com for example or Amazon. These websites are branded. So you know what they are when you hear the name.
What Hosting Package to buy?
I would think starting out as a small blog. You will want to start with the name of the niche in the Website. But it is totally up to you. Usually the hosting company provides a free domain name with the purchase of hosting.
When it comes to a hosting company there are several out there to choose from. The hosting company is where all the data for your website is stored. Data is kept secure and backed up. If that’s the plan you choose. The Data is stored on special computers called servers.
In a sense you are renting space on a computer to host your website. Here is a list of some Web hosting Companys:
- Bluehost –$5.95/month! Build your site on the Cloud today!
- Wix
- HostGator
- Godaddy
I recommend Bluehost for hosting for these reasons. The price of entry is very affordable. They offer a free Domain name. A free SSl (Secure Socket Layer). 1 Click install WordPress, and 24/7 Support is there when you need it. They even have video Tutorials. Get Bluehost Yourself using this link.
To be fully transparent I want you to know I am an affiliate for Bluehost. I will earn fees that do not affect the price of hosting for you. But I will be compensated by Bluehost.
Blogging Platform
When it comes to picking a blogging platform it matters a lot. Let me tell you a story that really slowed down the progress of my blog. So if I could help you with just one thing. It would be this golden nugget tip. That is go with WordPress from the get go.
Like I said I have a story to tell you, why I recommend WordPress. When starting your blog. Remember I told you when I first started my blog I didn’t know anything about creating a blog. So what I did was start the website with what is called a Website builder.
A Website builder makes it really simple to build a website. But it lacks the SEO needed to build a robust stream of traffic that you want to come to your website. So after about a year of trial and error. Basically a waste of time. I had to hire technical assistance from the hosting company. Who had to migrate all the content over to wordpress.
Looking back now I can see that I would have saved time and money. If I would have went with wordpress from the beginning. Also wordpress is really not complicated at all. It is very user freindly. Take it from my experience start your website with WordPress first.
Choose a WordPress Theme Free
Next you will need to choose a theme. This does not have to be expensive. In fact there are plenty of free themes. When you go to the home page of your Woprdress site. You can go to the option panel on the left of the page. Click Appearance then Theme.
Then you will have an enormous selection of themes to choose from. Really keeping it simple is more in my opinion. But if you have a bigger budget, then you can opt to buy a theme. Usually when you buy a theme there are a little more bells and whistles. Maybe more fonts to choose from or gallery’s, and sliders. All things that may look nice, but not necessarily a must have to have a Great Blog.
Get the Fastest Theme Available
When it comes to themes they are not all built equal. You need a theme that is going to look professional. Easy for the user, your guest to use. It needs to be simple to find what your site is about. You want a clean appearance. But most of all you want the theme to be fast.
Think about it when you are on your computer or phone and you go to a website. You expect that in an instance that page open up. And if it takes 4, 6, or 10 seconds for that page to open. Your potential customer may click away. And Google takes notice of site speed.
In fact sites that have slow speed are penalized. Which could impact your websites rankings with google.
The fastest Theme on the market is called Acabado. Go hear to check out the lifetime licence for Acabado
Creating Pages in WordPress
Some of the first things you will need to do when you are creating your Blog is creating pages. The primary pages that you will need to make is the Home Page, About me Page, Privacy Page, Terms & Conditions, and of course the Blog page. These pages will go either on the menu or in the footer.
To make the Home page in Word Press you need to go to the panel
left side. Click onto the “page” in the list. Then Click Start a new Page. At the top you need to title this page as “Home Page”.
The home page is the first page that someone visiting your site will see. Just like when you meet someone for the first time. You get a first impression of that person. Well like wise when someone lands on your Website they get an impression. There are a few things that you will want to have on the Home page. To ensure that your customer gets a Great impression.
Your visitor from the minute they enter onto the home page should know what they are going to get from the Website. Make sure you explain what they can expect from the Website.
Make sure your visitor doesn’t need to search, or scroll for an explanation of what the Website is about. Within seconds of landing on the Home page the customer should know what the Website is about, and what they can expect from the site.
On the Home Page there should be an easy to under stand menu. The menu will highlight the different features of the Website. It should be clean, and easy to understand where to navigate to.
Menu Page
The menu should include:
- About Page
- Contact Page
- Most relevant Topics
- Resources
The about page is a great way to let the reader know that you are a real person. That they can identify with. A good about page can gain the trust of the person reading your content. So this is the time you want to be as real with your customer as possible.
The About page should explain who, why, and what. Who you are, what your blog is about, Why you are qualified to write in your niche. If you answer those questions then the reader will get a good feel, and vibe from you.
Your Home Page Should Have a Contact Page
Your Home Page should have a contact page in the menu for your customers to keep in touch. There should also be relevant topics, and a resource page. The relevant topics for example on my Blog are: Video Lessons, Guitar Lessons, Product Reviews, The Guitar Essentials Blog. In the menu you should also have a resource page. Mine is the Recommended Gear.
You can add a side bar to the home page. On the right or left side of the page, depending on the Theme. I recommend if you are going to use a side bar to keep it on the right side of the page. This is where the modern placement of the sidebar is located.
Adding content is where the real fun begins. You always want to use a post when writing your content. This can be accessed from the Dashboard in WordPress. Select Post from the panel on the left. Then select New Post. First off you want to have a catchy title.
There are two things a title needs to have to be effective.
- It needs to be catchy so it will get clicked on when someone sees it in search,
- It needs to be optimized for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
There is a lot to be said when it comes to search engine optimization. It is the most important aspect of your blog. Without Seo you will not get the traffic to your Blog. Without setting up your post properly, and optimizing it for the search engine. Then you will be writing to a ghost town. Click to see the best way to optimize your website, and get on a fast track to success. Project 24.
WordPress Add a Page to a Menu for Your Blog
Here’s the steps for adding pages to a menu. First you want to create a page. To create a page go to the panel on the left side in your WordPress dashboard. Click on “pages”, click on “New page”. Then in the title box type what page you want to call it. Example: Home Page, Contact etc.
After the page has been created go to the “Appearance” on the left panel of the dashboard. Click and select Appearance. Then select the option menus, click that to bring up the menu editor.

When your in the Menu editor select create a new menu. This option is found at the top of the menu editor page. Enter into the box what you want to call the new menu. Then click the create menu button.
To add the pages to the menu. You will see options on the left side of the menu editor page. Find the “page” option, and click on it to open a window. Select and click on View all pages. This will show all the pages you created. When you click on the box next to the page title. This selects the page you want to display in the menu.
At the bottom of the window click the “add to Menu” button to add the page. When you have selected everything you want to appear in the menu. Click on the save button to save your selections. The save button is located at the bottom of the menu editor page.
Blogging for Beginners
There is a lot that goes into creating a blog. It’s like baking a cake it’s really not that hard. If someone asks you to make a Butter Pecan cake. Well with no directions you know you need some milk, butter, flower, Pecans, and icing. If you tried to make it without a recipe well it probably would taste like poo poo.
The same cake baked using a box of Betty Crocker. Would take no time at all. I bet it would taste pretty good. See if you have a step by step recipe it suddenly becomes doable. The same is true when building a blog. Click the link to learn about the best step by step recipe to build your Blog. Project 24
Related Questions
Beginner Blog Traffic
So now you have built your website. You thought it would be like in the movie; “Build it and they will come”. After all look how good it looks. Well it’s not quite that simple!
What you need after it is built is a Marketing strategy. A way to Market your blog. Some of the best ways to market is with social media.
You still need to be able to continue to produce content, and market at the same time. Now it’s getting a little bit stressful as both of these can be very time consuming. But what if there was a way to promote your blog almost on autopilot?
As a new blogger you may not be able to hire a team to do your marketing for you. Then again this is one of the most important parts of owning a blog is marketing. Now there is a product that you can spend some time setting it up, and then this tool does the rest.
Tailwind works fast, and is very user friendly
Tailwind is a Marketing tool that will allow you to set it up. Then leave it to do the heavy lifting for you. So you can do more imperative projects. Tailwind is a no- brainier for anyone wanting to Market there business. It is a” must have” tool that when done right, will increase traffic to your website.
Blogging for Beginners- Need Traffic?
When I first started to use Tailwind I found an immediate increase of traffic to my blog. What is Tailwind?
Well it is the smartest way to schedule on Pinterest & Instagram. It has Automatic Posting! Here are just a few of the Pro’s:
- Save Time with Bulk image Upload. Pin to Multiple boards at one time. Loop Pins to continuously get pinned. All short cuts so you can attend to more important tasks.
- Maximize your audience ability to see your pins. With Pinterest & Instagram schedule based on when your audience is most engaged.
- Use the browser extension to schedule multiple posts quickly and easily.
- Be more informed with Hashtags that are automatically suggested for you on Instagram. Giving you the best hashtags.
- It is very affordable for small business.
I use Tailwind and recommend you try it too. So don’t miss out. To get a more in depth look at the total package of Tailwind Check it out Here: Tailwind.
How do You Become a Blogger and Get Paid?
After you choose a Niche, domain, hosting. Pick a platform, theme, learn Seo. Create all the pages and menus. Then you can Learn Legalities and add the necessary pages for that. Like the Privacy page, Terms and conditions page.
Create Posts and add Content. After all that you can Monetize the Website. Here are some ways to monitize a Website:
- Advertisements
- Affiliate links
- Owned products
These are just a few of the ways to monetize a blog. Click the link to get a complete map to create and monetize a Blog.
What Do You Need to Start a Blog?
The great thing about starting a blog is it cost very little money. This is one reason blogs are still so popular. The easy cost of start up. Then there is not to many things you have to have to get started. Here is a list of “Must have Item’s” so that you can get started right away.
To be fully transparent I want you to know I am an affiliate for Bluehost. I will earn fees that do not affect the price of hosting for you. But I will be compensated by Bluehost. I Also Participate in other Affiliate programs.