If you want to learn a fun basic acoustic solo guitar pattern. With technique that is easy for beginners. Then stay tuned. I am going to show you a basic acoustic solo guitar lesson. Where you will learn these five things.
- Learn An easy beginner acoustic guitar solo.
- Right and Left hand technique.
- Solo with the Pentatonic scale
- Learn the basic Pentatonic extension to play the basic acoustic guitar solo.
- Tab for the Pentatonic Scale
- Tab for the Pentatonic Extention
- Bonus Video
If this sounds like a guitar lesson that you would like to learn how to play a solo on your acoustic guitar. Then grab your guitar and lets get started with this basic acoustic solo guitar lesson.
Basic Acoustic Solo Guitar Left Hand Position
I know you are eager to learn this easy guitar solo. But first lets get some basic principles out of the way. These techniques like learning how to position your hands to play may seem simple. But if you don’t know the correct way you may start bad habits that will make things more difficult. So like all things that is new you need to learn the basics.
Your left hand should be placed on the guitar neck. You should keep a light grip. Stay relaxed when holding the neck of the guitar.
When playing the notes you want to play directly behind the frets. There are some really great tips that can be taken away from this article: 10 things every beginner guitar player needs to know.
Basic Acoustic Solo Guitar Right Hand Technique
Now lets take a look at your guitar right hand technique. First thing is what kind of pick to use. Guitar picks are made out of different materials. Some of these materials are nylon. Which makes the pick plyable. They also come imade of plastic which makes the pick more stiff.
Picks come in different sizes too. As far as the thickness. You can get assorted picks, and try different thicknesses to find what works for you.
The type of material affects the sound of what your guitar. A nylon pick will have a warmer softer sound. Where as a cortex pick will give a loud tinny sound.
I would recommend a thinner pick for a beginner guitarist. The reason being is that it is more flexible. This makes it easier to use. Picks come in all different shapes and sizes. Later after you have been playing for a while you can go with a thicker pick.
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Next we want to hold the pick between your first finger, and your thumb. Hold the pick firmly so it doesn’t fly out of your fingers. You need to stay relaxed when picking the strings. Click this link to see an image of the write and wrong way to hold a pick.
How to Solo with the Pentatonic Scale
By now you should be ready to learn the Pentatonic scale. There are 5 pentatonic scale patterns. But for the purpose of this lesson we are going to look at the first pattern of the Pentatonic Scale.
Tip: Pentatonic means 5 note scale. Penta is 5 notes and tonic is root.
Most solo’s that you here derive from the Pentatonic scale or the Blues Scale which is the same with one additional note. So lets take a look at the first pattern of the Pentatonic scale.
The first pattern to learn and to practice is in the picture above. The notes that you are going to play are between the 5th and 8th fret. When you are looking at the pattern that is shown. The 6th string is at the bottom of the diagram. Which on your guitar is the thickest string.
Then of course going up to the top of the diagram it is 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. One is the thin string at the bottom of the guitar. When you look down at the neck of the guitar. If the guitar was sitting on your lap.
On the 6th string you want to play the 5th fret, and then the 8th fret. Then move up a string. Now on the A string, pick the 5th fret and the 7th fret. Play the same notes on the D and G strings.
Related Article: How to move up the neck in 3 seconds flat.
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Then on the B and E string, pick the 5th and 8th fret. When you get to the bottom go back down to the 6th string. Practice the A minor Pentatonic. The Diagram shows that this is the C Major Pentatonic scale which is the same as the A minor Pentatonic. But that is a different lesson. After you get this, move on to the next step. This would be the Pentatonic Extention.
How to Play the Pentatonic Extention in the Basic Acoustic Solo Guitar
Once you learn this extension of the Pentatonic scale. You will be able to play up and down the neck of the guitar. Then playing the acoustic guitar solo is going to be easy.
Let’s start with the A minor pentatonic. This is a popular place to start learning to solo. So as we learned before the A minor starts on the 5th fret. So we are going to move two frets back to the 3rd fret. Which is the G note on the 6th string.
To remember where to start this pattern you want to use your first finger and your third finger. If you use only these two fingers it will be easier for you to play this pattern and remember where it is on the neck of the guitar.
So to remember instead of placing your first finger on the A note which is at the 5th fret of the 6th string. Place your 3rd finger on that 5th fret. And now your first finger is on the 3rd fret of the 6th string.
You want to Play on the 3rd fret of the E string, and then the 5th fret. (E string is the 6th string).
Then pick the 3rd fret and 5th fret on the A string. Which is the 5th string.
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Basic Acoustic Solo Guitar Slide
Slide up from there to the 7th fret of the A string.
As you can see we are smack dab in the middle of the first pattern of the Pentatonic scale.
You want to pick the 5 and 7 fret on the D string. This is the 4th string.
Then the 5th and 7th fret on the G string. We are on the third string.
And Slide to the 9th fret on the G string.
Remember you want to use your 1st finger and 3rd finger. You now want to play the 8th fret of the B string. Right there you may be temped to play your 2nd finger on the B, but don’t do it! It will mess you up. So place your first finger on the 8th fret of the B string.
From there pick the 10th fret of the B string. The B string is the second string.
Then pick the 8th and 10 th fret on the high E. (1st string). And then slide to the 12 fret.
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Now let’s take a look at how to get from the 12th fret back up the neck.
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Basic Acoustic Solo Guitar Extention Going Down the Neck
So we ended here on the 12th fret, slide back to the 10th fret of the E string. Next pick the 8th fret of the E string.
Then go up to the B string pick frets 10 then 8. Go to the G string and pick the 9th fret and the 7th fret. And then slide from the 7th fret to the 5th fret. Pick the 5th fret.
Next pick the notes on the 7th fret and the 5th fret on the D string. Then pick the 7th and 5th fret on the A string, And slide to the 3rd fret. Pick the 5th fret and finally the 3rd fret on the E string.
So that’s how you can extend your pentatonice scale and your soloing.
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If you would like the Tab with this pattern on it, then take a look below.
So here we go practice up and down the neck. Once you can do that little pattern. Your ready for the Basic acoustic solo guitar lesson. So let’s take a look at it.
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Related Article: How to play like Johnny Cash.
Basic Acoustic Solo Guitar Lesson
This solo is going to be really fun. You can get the tab under the related questions below. This should help you learn it.
First you are going to place your Capo on the second fret of the neck. If you don’t have a Capo you can get one in my Kit Accessories. Click the link for the Current price.
You are going to start this Solo on the 2nd fret from the capo. And hammer on the 4th fret, the A string. Next pick the 2nd fret of the D string, and 4th string and slide to the 6th fret of the D string.
Then bring that 3rd finger down to the G string. Play the 6th fret of the G string. Pick it two times. And then pick the 4th fret of the G string.
After that stay on the 4th fret. Using your first finger bar the D and the G strings, at the 4th fret. Pick the D string 1 time.
Go back to the 6th fret of the D string. Pick it 3 times. And then the 4th fret of the D string.
Now you are going to pick the 4th fret of the D string and hammer on the 6th fret still on the D string.
Pick the 4th and 6th fret of the G string. Go to the 5th fret of the B string, and pick the 7th fret.
Basic Acoustic Solo Guitar Has a Bend
Then you are going to bend the 7th fret of the B string.
If you are not used to bending strings take a look at this video to learn how to bend the strings.
After bending the string on the 7th fret. Then pick the 7th and 5th fret on the B string.
Pick the 5th fret, and Hammer on the 7th fret, and pick the 8th fret. All on the B string.
( if you need to learn how to hammer on take a look at this lesson.)
Then pick the notes on frets 8, 7, and 5 of the B string.
Pick the 6th and 4th fret, on the G string. Ending the solo by sliding from the 4th fret of the G string, to the 6th fret. Picking the 4th fret of the high E string. I would recommend sliding with your third finger. This will leave your first finger open for the E string.
If you want to practice soloing. I would recommend a backing track or even better a looper pedal. Using a looper pedal when practicing soloing helps with your timing. Take a look below at how to set up a looper to play the rhythm for this solo.
Using a Looper to Play the Rhythm for Your Basic Acoustic Solo Guitar
The looper pedal that I use and recommend is Ditto by TC Electrinics. For the purpose of this discussion the instructions on how to set up the looper is for the Ditto although most loopers are similar check each MfG. for individual instructions.
I will show you how to set up the looper and what chords to play. To make a complete loop so that you can solo over the chords. I did a review on the Best looper Pedal. Click this link for the best looper pedals. And how to use it.
To set it up we are going to press the button one time and start recording.
Then we are going to play a E chord A, Am and the F# chord Strum 4 times each. (Note that since there is a capo on the 2nd fret. The shapes of the chords are E chord A, Am and the F# . But since the capo is there the names are different.
Press the switch again to play the song.
(play chords in the back ground). With this looper you can record overdub, undo and more. If you want a complete “How to”,operate the ditto I have the info at YGG. And now Ditto has more than one option. With different functionality. Look at why the ditto looper pedal is the Best.
Here are the chord Shapes to use for this solo.
Related Article: What Guitars are Good for the Blues.
Basic Acoustic Solo Guitar Chord Diagrams
How to play the E Chord:
- Place Your first finger at the first fret. On the G string, the third string.
- Your second finger is placed at the second fret, 5th string.
- Put your third finger on the fourth string. Also at the second fret.
- You can strum all the strings when playing the E chord.
How to play the A Chord finger position:
- First place your first finger at the second fret on the fourth string.
- Second finger is on the third string, at the second fret.
- Third finger is on the second string. Also at the second fret.
- Do not play the sixth string when playing the A chord.
When making the Am chord place your fingers on the guitar fretboard like this:
- First finger is placed on the first fret of the second string.
- Your Second finger is placed on the fourth string, at the second fret.
- Then your third finger is on the third string. Again at the second fret.
- When strumming the Am don’t play the sixth string.
The above picture is that of an F chord. On the first fret. I will explain how to position your fingers to make this chord. You are going to move it up 2 frets from the capo to play the chord.
- First off your bar the first two strings with your first finger.
- Then place your second finger on the third string at the second fret.
- Your third finger will be placed on the fourth string at the third fret.
- Don’t play the 5th or 6th string when strumming.
Because there is a capo on the second fret. The four chord shapes will be played in reference to the capo. The capo acts as the nut of the guitar. Click to watch the Video on my YouTube Channel, And don’t forget to consider Subscribing.
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Basic Acoustic Solo Guitar Pentatonic Scale PDF
As I mentioned earlier the Pentatonic scale has 5 different patterns. Even though a lot of guitar players like Eric Clapton and other famous guitarist made a living out of just using the first two scales. There is so much soloing that can be done. By just using the first two scales.
Get all five Pentatonic scale PDF, and take your practice to the next level. Click the link to get the Pentatonic Scale PDF.
Basic Acoustic Solo Guitar Pentatonic Extension
A lot of songs you will find use this extension of the Pentatonic scale. Click the link to get the Tab of the Pentatonic Extension. Once you learn this extension, you will start seeing and hearing this pattern in songs. And be amazed how often. With a little practice you too will be able to master this Extension of the Pentatonic scale. And solo all over the neck.