The Beatles Possibly are the most famous band ever. And definitely influenced America and Music. Today I want to show you how to play Easy Beatles Songs on Guitar. Take a look at the songs that I’m covering.
Easy Beatles Songs on Guitar:
- Here Comes the Sun
- Day Tripper
- While My Guitar Gently Weeps
- 8 Days a Week
- Imagine
You are going to learn the chords. Easy Chord Progressions. How to strum the songs. And there are video tutorials for all 5 songs. And You can get the chord Sheets when you Join My Patreon & lots more.
If this sounds like a cool guitar lesson, that you want to learn. Then grab your guitar and let me show you these songs.
The Beatles Here Comes the Sun Guitar Lesson
First off we have a couple of different chord progressions in the song. Don’t worry we will cover them all and how the melody is entwined into the chords. But for now we will look at the chords that make up this great song.
The chords are D, G, A7, E7 C and F. To see this complete Tutorial with the Video lesson click this link: Here Comes the Sun Chords & Guitar Lesson.
Related Article: What Guitars are Good for the Blues.
Day Tripper an Easy Beatles Song
First things first the chords! The chords are E7 A7 F# A G#/Ab, C# and B. This seems like a lot of chords. But don’t worry I’m going to give you everything you need. And first the chord charts. If you need help playing chords charts no worries, check out this quick reference on how to read Guitar chords. Look at the chords below.

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Okay now that you have the chords you may or may not know how to place your fingers. Like I said no worries, I’ve got you covered. If you already know how to make the chords then continue down to the chord progression.
Finger Position of the E7 Guitar Chord
- Place your first finger on the 3rd string at the first fret. (G string)
- Then your 2nd finger is at the 2nd fret of the 5th string. (A string)
- Play all the stings when strumming.
How to Play the A7 on Guitar
- Your second finger is on the 4th string at the 2nd fret. (D string)
- Third finger is on the 2nd string at the 2nd fret. (B string)
- Strum from the 5th string down. The A string.
- Don’t play the 6th string.
F# Barre Chord Finger Position
- Your first finger is across all the strings at the second fret. Like a Capo.
- Place your second finger on the 3rd string. (G string). At the third fret.
- Then place your third finger on the 5th string. The A string, on the 4th fret.
- Under the third finger is your pinkie. Also at the 4th fret on the 4th string.
- You can strum all the strings when playing the F# Bar Chord.
How to Play the A Chord
- Place Your first finger on the 4th string. The D string. At the second fret.
- Your second finger is on the 3rd string. Which is the G string. Also at the second fret.
- Then your third finger is on the B string. At the second fret. This is the 2nd string.
- Strum from the 5th string down, and don’t play the 6th strings.
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How to Play the A Flat Barre Chord
- Your first finger is across all the strings at the fourth fret. Like a Capo.
- Place your second finger on the 3rd string. (G string). At the 5th fret.
- Then place your third finger on the 5th string. The A string, on the 6th fret.
- Under the third finger is your pinkie. Also at the 6th fret on the 4th string.
- You can strum all the strings when playing the G# Barre Chord.
C# Finger Position on Guitar
- Place your first finger at the 4th fret of the 5th string. (A string).
- Your third finger is on strings 4, 3, and 2, at the 6th fret.
- Don’t play the E string. (6th string).
How to Play the B Guitar Chord
- Place your first finger at the 2nd fret of the 5th string. (A string:
- Your third finger is on strings 4, 3, 2. On the fourth string. Barre the strings.
- Don’t play the E string. The 6th string.
Day Tripper Strumming Pattern
This song has a very cool Strumming pattern. DDU UDU, DDU UDU. Which is Down Down up up down up. Or you can look at it as: 1 2+ +3+ . Strum down on the numbers and up on the and (+). This is a easy strumming pattern. But if you have any problems. Take your time and work on the strumming before you go to learning the chord progression.

Get the Cheat Sheets to Day Tripper, and the Tab to While My Guitar Gently Weeps. And more when you join my Patreon! Have a look at what goodies you get at the different tiers. Click to check out my Patreon.
How to Play Day Tripper Riff
Here’s how to play the Riff. It starts with an open E string. The thickest string or 6th string. Pick it without fretting any of the frets. Then Fret the 6th string at the 3rd fret. Use your second finger to fret the third fret. And pick the 6th string again. Then using your third finger fret the 4th fret on the 6th string, and pick the string.
Next on the A string (5th string), use your first finger and fret at the second fret. Once fretted pick the 5th string. Make sure you use the proper fingers to fret the strings. So that you don’t get twisted up when trying to play the riff.
Play the Riff 5 times then the verse begins. Next your going to fret the fourth string. But to play the riff in time. At a fast tempo it is easier to use your first finger like a mini bar. And fret the A string and the D string at the same time. See the image how to fret the two strings.

So after you pick the A string your already ready to pick the 4th string. Once you pick the D string (4th string) remove your first finger off the string. Just move it up and play the open D string. (4th string)
Then using your third finger fret the 4th fret still on the D string. And pick the 4th string. After that go back to the second fret of the 5th string and fret it using your first finger. And pick the A string. Then remove your finger and play the open D string. And then fret the second string of the D string and pick the D string. (4th string)
Related Article: Cry to Me Guitar Lesson.
Playing Day Tripper Verse
After playing the Riff in the intro then you start the verse with E7. It goes like this:
E7 E7 E7 E7 Played four times or bars. Then move to the A7 chord. And you play the A7 A7 A7 A7 two times. Then go back to the E7 and play it two more times through. (E7 E7 E7 E7 X2).
After that you move up the neck to play the F7 chord. F7 F7 F7 F7 X4. Then the chord progression goes to the A chord. A A A A. Then Ab or G#. Ab Ab Ab Ab and the C# and then B.
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While My Guitar Gently Weeps
In this lesson is another great Beatles song that was written in 1968. The English band named The Beatles. The song “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”, was on ” the White Album”, George Harrison wrote the song.
In this lesson you will learn:
- Chords needed to play the song, While My Guitar Gently Weeps
- How to play While My Guitar Gently Weeps Rhythm
- Two different chord progressions
- Bonus Video
How to Play While My Guitar Gently Weeps on Guitar.
I got some good info from Marty Swartz on this one.
Related Article: Eric Clapton Acoustic Guitar Songs to Learn on Guitar.
8 Days a Week Chords Guitar Lesson
Related Article: Eric Clapton Wonderful Tonight Guitar Chords & Lesson.
8 Days a Week Chords
Here are the chords in this song 8 days a week by The Beatles are D E E7 G Bm A.

The intro of the song starts by playing D E7 G and back to D.
And the strumming is D U D D. Down Up Down Down.
Verse is D E7 G and D 2 X. The strumming of the verse is D D D U D, or Down Down Down Up Down.
The chords in the chorus are Bm G Bm E D E7 G D.
Next is the Bridge, here are the chords. A Bm E G A.
The outro of the song is memorable and here is how it is played. G D G D G D, D E G D.
Imagine is one of my favorite songs. I know, I know, the Beatles didn’t do this song. But wasn’t John Lennon a Beatle? So if you want to learn this great song. Grab your guitar and click the link to Imagine Beginner Guitar Chords Songs.