Maybe you all ready know how to make Major Barre chords, and now you want to know what are minor bar chord shapes. Not only will I show you what minor bar chord shapes are, but also what makes them a minor chord. Instead of Major.
What are minor bar chord shapes? What are minor bar chord shapes? They are chords consisting of a bar, a one, flatted 3rd, and a fifth step of the Major Scale. The minor Barre chords can be formed as a 6 string root barre chord. Some are a 5th string root barre chord. Both having different shapes, but having the same Major Scale Values.
What are the minor shapes,and what makes them minor? Let me start by showing you the different Forms of the minor Bar chord. Then if you want to stick around you can find out what makes the shape a minor chord. It will be an eye opening lesson for you.
D minor Bar Chord
The D minor is a chord shape we can start with. Here is how you position your hand to make this chord.
- Your first finger will be barred at the 5th fret of the 5th string
- Second finger is at the 6th fret of the 2nd string
- Third finger is at the 7th fret of the 4th string
- Pinkie is at the 7th fret of the third string.
This is how you make a D minor bar chord.
If you look closely at the notes in this chord. You will find that they are: D E F# G A B C#.
This form or shape of the chord is what is called a 5th string root barre chord. Why is it called this? I’m Glad you asked!
Related Article: 3 Ways to Play the D Chord on Guitar.
What is a 5th String Root Barre Chord?
When you are dealing with Chords. A chord in it’s basic form has 3 notes. They all have a root note. A 1, 3, and 5 of the Major Scale. If you want to learn more about how do you know if a chord is Major or minor click that link.
The one is the “root” of the chord. This is also the name of the chord. So in the Example above the root of the chord is “D”. When you look at the Dm bar chord. To find the Root you need evaluate where the D is. Not just any D though because chords quite often have more than one note that is the same.

You want to find the lowest note in that chord. To do this is simple once you know the secrets to finding the notes on the fretboard.
According to the chord diagram of the D minor chord. The 6th string has an X which indicates your not going to play that string. So we are not going to find the “root” on the 6th string.
What about the 5th string? Let’s see what note is being played on the 6th string. To do this we need to know the name of the strings. Starting from the 6th string up to the 1st string they are. E A D G B e.
The name of the strings are also the notes that are played if the strings are tuned to standard tuning.
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The Root Note on the 5th String
Okay we want to look at the 5th string. Which is the A string. On the A string the note at the first fret is the A#. The note at the second fret. When placing your finger on the second fret of the 5th string is the B. The third fret when played is the C note. The fourth fret of the 5th string is the C#.
Finally we are at the 5th fret of the 5th string. Where you will find the note that is in the Dm chord diagram. That note is the D note. It is also the lowest note in the chord. So this must be the root.
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What other notes do we have that make up this chord? The note on the 4th string is an A note. Then we have on the third fret another D note. If you look at the proximity of the two D notes you will see they are an octave apart. But that’s a different lesson. Octaves a Great way to Find Your Way Around the Fretboard.
Then on the second string where your 2nd finger is located. There is the F note. The chord ends on the barre finger. Which is the A note, located on the high E string.
Is this chord Major or minor?
We said that the rule for a Major chord is 1 3 5 steps of the Major scale. On a minor chord. You need the 1 flatted 3rd and the 5 steps of the Major scale.
So what does this chord consist of? Does it have a flatted third? Really that’s the difference that we are looking for.
To find out lets take a look at the D Major chord. The basic form of the D Major chord is D A D F#. Those are the notes that are in the D Major chord. You know the chord shape. First finger at the 2nd fret of the 3rd string. 2nd finger at the 2nd fret of the first string. Then the 3rd finger is at the 3rd fret, on the 2nd string.

Looking at the chord diagrams of the D Major chord, and the Dm chord. Let’s see if we can gleam some information. The Dm chord has all the same notes as the D chord. Except one note. That is the Flatted third. The notes are D A D F.
When we talk about flatted, symbolized as (b). This is when you are lowering the pitch by a half step. On guitar this is one fret. So as you can see by the chord diagram. The third of the Major scale of the D chord is the F# note. When it is flatted by a half step it is lowered to the F note.
Related Article: Beginner Guitar 5 Pentatonic Scales the Ultimate Guide.
What are the Dm Bar Chord Notes
Looking at the 5th string root chord. The Dm chord has that flatted third. Which is that F note. The chord is comprised of the D on the 5th string which is the Root of the chord. The F note on the 2nd string. Which is the Flatted 3rd. Then the 5th of the chord. The A note, which is found in this chord. On the fourth and first string. This 5th string root chord shape fulfills the requirements that make it a minor chord. (1 b3 5).

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A minor Chord Guitar Finger Position
This chord is another shape of the minor chord bar shapes. Your first finger is still going to be used as a barre. Kind of like a Capo, it is across all the strings. If your interested, take a Look at this lesson on guitar capo’s. It breaks all the myths on what’s the use of a guitar capo.

- Third finger on the 5th string, at the 7th fret.
- Pinkie at the 4th string, 7th fret.
This form of the Am chord is called a six string root chord shape. Why you ask? Because the root of the chord can be found on the 6th string. You will notice that the 6th string is where your first finger is barred at.
This must indicate that the A is the note at the 6th string on the 5th fret. Let’s go back and see if that is correct. To do this we need to remember what the strings are named. Starting at the 6th string is E then A is the 5th string, the 4th string is D. The third string picked open is the G note. The B is the second string, and the high e string is the first string. (E A D G B e).
On the 6th string at the first fret. If you were to place your finger there, and pick the string. You would be playing the F note. A fret above the F is F#. This is the note at the 2nd fret. Then we have the G at the third fret.
The forth fret is G#. Which brings us to the 5th fret of the 6th string. Where your first finger is barred. This is the A note. So the Root note is the A on the 6th string.
Related Article: 5 Ways to Play the A Chord on Guitar.
6th string root Chord
To know for sure if this is a Major or Minor chord. We need to know if the third is flatted or not. A Major chord is 1 3 5 of the Major Scale. The minor is a 1 b3 5 of the Major scale. Both are similar chords, but the third step is flattened.
The next string on this Am chord shape. Is the 5th string. What is the note on the 5th string? Going from the open A string (5th string). The next fret is the first fret on the 5th string. Which is A#, half step up B, one up from B is C. Follow along, we are now on the 4th fret. Which is the C# note. Then D, D# E. Which is where your third finger is on the 5th string.
Directly under your third finger is the pinkie on the 4th string. To make a long story short. The Pinkie is on the A note at the 7th fret. You can take the D string. The fourth string and figure out what the note is. From the first fret up to the 7th.
The 5th fret of the 3rd string is the C note. At the second string still on the 5th fret, is the second E note. Then on the first string is another A note. Total Notes in the Am chord are A E A E A. The Root is the A. C is the Flatted third, and E is the 5th of the chord.
If this chord was a Major chord it would have a C# at the 3rd string. Which gives it that Major chord form. Click this link If you want to know the Secrets of Barre chord.

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D minor Chords Guitar at the 10th Fret
So far we have looked at the Dm open chord. Played at the 3rd fret. Then how to play it on the 5th fret. Now take a look at the Dm chord at the 10th fret.

This time the Bar is laid down across the strings at the 10th fret. Your Third finger is on the 5th string. Then your pinkie is on the 4th string. Both are at the 12th fret.
The chord shape looks familiar. We just learned that minor barre chord shape used with the Am chord. Let’s see what notes are in this form of the Dm barre chord Shape.
This is the 6th string root bar chord. The D note is at the 6th string. Then we need to know where the flatted third is. Remember the Flatted third is the F note. In the Dm chord. The F is at the third string. Of the barred finger. Next we need a 5th step of the Major scale. This is the A note. Which is found on the 5th string, and on the second string. In this form of the Dm chord.
You can see if you check out the different forms of the minor shape that the notes are the same in the chord. They are just in different locations as far as what string and of course the frets. Some shapes have more of the same notes than others. For example 2 D or 3 D’s. But essentially they are the same chords.
To learn how to play the Dm chord take a look at this Unique way of playing the chord.
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Two of the B minor Chord Guitar Shapes

Both of the above chord shapes are of the Bm guitar chord. The first chord shape in the Diagram is a 5th string root bar chord. The root is on the 5th string.
The second chord diagram is also the Bm bar chord. This shape is a 6 string root bar chord. The root is found on the 6th string.
Bm Bar chord Finger Position
Here is the finger position of the Bm chord as shown in the first chord diagram.
- First finger is barred across the first 5 strings. At the second fret.
- Second finger is at the 3rd fret on the second string.
- Third finger is on the 4th string. At the 4th fret.
- Your Pinkie is on the 3rd string, at the 4th fret.
- Notice that there is an X at the top of the chord diagram on the 6th string. This indicates don’t play that string.
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6th String Root Bar Chord Bm Finger Position
Here is the Finger Position of the B minor 6th string root form. As shown on the second chord diagram above.
- Bar across all the strings at the 7th fret. With your first finger.
- 3rd finger is on the 9th fret, 5th string.
- Also at the 9th fret below the 3rd finger is the Pinkie.
- With this shape all the strings can be strummed.
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B minor Chord Notes
Even the the two chords shown are different shapes. They are still the Bm chord. What is making it the Bm chord? I’m glad you asked. To make a minor chord you need a 1 b3 5 steps of the Major Scale. The notes in the Bm are B found on the 6th string or the 5th string depending on what chord form you are making. And where you are making the chord.
On the 5th string B minor chord. The one or root of the chord is found at the second fret of the 5th string. That’s where the bar is. Once you know where the root notes are you can move the bar, “finger” to that spot. That is the chord you are playing. This is why you need to learn the notes on the fretboard.
With a couple of bar Shapes, and knowing where the notes are. You will be able to play a bunch of chords. Really it unlocks the fingerboard.
The next finger is at the 4th fret. This is where one of the F# are. On the 4th string. The F# is the 5th of the chord. The B note is on the 3rd string. Where your pinkie is. Then the D note is the minor 3rd. At the 3rd fret of the 2nd string. Covered by your 2nd finger. On the high e string or the first string is another F#. In this shape of the Bm chord here are the notes: B F# B D F#.
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B minor Chord Notes 6th string Root Bm Barre Chord
On the second Diagram is the 6th string root Bm chord. It is a 6th string root chord, because the root of the chord is found on the 6th string.
Which we have the B note at the 7th fret of the 6th string. Then on the 5th string is the F#. Which is the 5th step of the Major Scale. This note is also on the second string. On this chord shape. B is the note at the 9th fret of the 4th string. At the 3rd string is the D note. Which is the flatted third. Making this a minor chord. There is also a B on the first string at the 7th fret.
In this chord shape of the B minor there are 3 B’s. One on the 6th string, 4th string and 1st string. Here is a tip What ever the note is on the 6th string you will also find it 2 octaves above on the 1st string. For Example The B is on the 7th fret or the 6th string, and the 7th fret of the first string. The notes that make up this Bm chord form is: B F B D F# B.
If your needing some help with the Bm guitar chord take a look at this lesson and kickstart your ability How to play Bm chords.
E minor Chord Guitar
If you want to learn the Basic Em guitar chord, and many other open chords. Have a look at first position chords.
Here is the form of the Em chord guitar barre form. With a root on the 5th string.

Here is the finger position of the Em Bar Chord.
- First finger is barred on the 7th fret. Across the string from the fifth string up to the first.
- Second finger is at the 8th fret on the 2nd string.
- Third finger is on the 9th fret 4th string.
- Fourth finger on the 9th fret 3rd string.
The root of this Em chord is of course the E. Which is found on the fifth string. That’s the root note. But there is also the E string. Which is on the 6th string. This means you can play the low E string.
The notes of the Em chord are as follows. E E B E G B.
- 6th string is E open string
- 5th string is where your first finger is located on the 7th fret.
- 4th string is the B note played with your third finger, at the 9th fret.
- 3rd string is the 4th finger on the 9th fret. Which is also an E note.
- 2nd string is the G note. Played with your 2nd finger.
- 1st string there is another B note. Played with the barre.
The 1 b3 5 of the Em is the E G and the B notes.
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List of minor Chords Guitar
Some of the Saddest chords you will find are the minor chords. They have that melancholy sound. That particular sound that makes the minor chords great for playing the blues.
There are a lot of minor chords. What would be great would be to have a list of minor chords. Just the ones that you find in everyday songs. These are the chords that you need a list of. Because after all you want to be able to play songs.
Here is a short list of the Minor Chords. Also where to place your fingers.
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Am Chord Finger Position open Chord
- 6th string is not played.
- Open A String at the 5th string. Start the strum there.
- 2nd finger is at the 2nd fret of the 4th string.
- 3rd finger is at the 2nd fret of the 3rd string.
- First finger is on the 2nd string of the 1st fret.
Am Barre Chord Finger Position
- Bar at the 5th fret across 6 string with first finger.
- Cover the 5th string at the 7th fret with your 3rd finger.
- Place your 4th finger at the 7th fret of the 3rd string.
- All strings can be strummed.
A minor Chord at the 8th Fret
- Do not play the 6th string.
- Open A string, Where the strumming starts. (5th string).
- First finger is at the 1st string on the 8th fret.
- Second finger is on the 9th fret, 3rd string.
- At the 10th fret is your 3rd finger. On the 4th string.
- Pinkie is at the 10th fret of the 2nd string.
This chord shape is like the C7 open chord shape. Just move down a string.
Bm Guitar Chord Shape Bar on 2nd Fret
- Bar 2nd fret with first finger across the first 5 strings.
- Place 2nd finger on the 3rd fret. On the 2nd string.
- Put Your 3rd finger on the 4th string, at the 4th fret.
- Fourth finger is on the 3rd string, at the 4th fret.
- Don’t play the 6th string.
Bm Guitar Chord Barre Shape
- 1st finger is fretted at the 7th fret. Across 6 strings.
- At the 9th fret place your third finger on the 5th string.
- Under the third finger place your pinkie. On the 4th string.
- All strings can be strummed when playing this chord.
Cm Guitar Chord at the 3rd Fret
- 1st finger is barred at the 3rd fret. Covering the first 5 strings.
- 2nd finger is at the 4th fret, on the 2nd string.
- 3rd finger is at the 4th string of the 5th fret.
- 4th finger is at the 3rd string of the 4th fret.
- Don’t play the 6th string.
Click this link to get the List of minor chords PDF to help with your practice of minor chords.
Cm Bar Chord Finger Position
- The Barre is at the 8th fret. Use your first finger to bar across all 6 strings.
- 3rd finger is on the 5th string 10th fret.
- 4th finger is on the 4th string also at the 10th fret.
- All strings can be played on this chord.
The Dm, and the Em chords were reviewed earlier in this post. If you need to know the fingering of those chords check it out.
Fm Barre Chord 5th String Root
- Use your first finger to Bar at the 8th fret. On the first 5 strings.
- Second finger is at the 9th fret of the 2nd string.
- Third finger is at the 10th fret of the 4th string.
- fourth finger is on the 3rd string at the 10th fret.
- Do not play the 6th string when you strum.
F minor Barre Chord Finger Position
- Use your first finger and bar all the strings at the first fret.
- Your third finger is at the third fret of the 5th string.
- Pinkie is at the third fret of the fourth string.
- All strings can be strum.
F# minor Chord
- Use your first finger, and bar all the strings at the second fret.
- Your third finger is at the fourth fret of the 5th string.
- Pinkie is at the fourth fret of the fourth string.
- All strings can be strum.

F#m Bar Chord
- Use your first finger, and bar all the strings at the second fret.
- Your third finger is at the fourth fret of the 5th string.
- Pinkie is at the fourth fret of the fourth string.
- All strings can be strum.
Here is a link if you want to see how to play the Gm chord.