Is It Cold In Here Joe Diffie Guitar Lesson (Complete)

There are so many good Joe Diffie songs to choose to give a guitar lesson on. But I decided to do one on, Is It Cold In Here Joe Diffie Guitar Lesson. Take a look at what will be covered.

Is It Cold In Here Joe Diffie Guitar Lesson:

  • Is It Cold In Here Joe Diffie Guitar Lesson Complete
  • Chords to Is It Cold In Here
  • The Chord Progression
  • Strumming Pattern
  • Chord Sheet
  • Lyrics to Is It Cold In Here
  • Bonus Video

So if you are ready to learn Is It Cold In Here by Joe Diffie. Grab your guitar and let’s get started.

We Need to start with the chords in the song. The Chords in the song are G D C Em and A. Below are the chord diagrams to show you where to place your fingers. If you need help reading a chord diagram here is a quick reference on reading chord charts.

Joe Diffie Is It Cold In Here Chords

There are a couple of different ways to make the G chord. They are both right. What it comes down to is, which one is most comfortable for you to play. Take a look at the G open chords below.

How to Play the G Chord in Is It Cold In Here Joe Diffie Guitar Lesson

  • Place Your first finger at the second fret of the A string. Which is the 5th string.
  • Put your second finger at the third fret on the E string. The 6th string.
  • Your Third Finger is at the third fret. On the B string.
  • Then place your pinkie on the third fret of the high E string. The 1st string.
  • When strumming the G chord you can play all the strings.

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Another Way to Play the G Chord (My Way)

  • Second finger on the 5th string, at the second fret.
  • Third finger on the 6th string, at the third fret.
  • Pinkie on the high E string, 1st string, at the third fret.
  • Strum all the strings.

How to Play the G Chord with these Three Fingers

  • First finger on the 5th string, at the second fret.
  • Second finger on the 6th string, at the third fret.
  • Third finger on the high E string, 1st string, at the third fret.
  • Strum all the strings.

How to Play the D Chord In the Diagram

  • Place your finger on the 3rd string. The G string. At the second fret.
  • Put your second finger on the 1st string. (E string). Also on the second fret.
  • Then your third finger is on the 2nd string. (B string). On the third fret.
  • Strum from the 4th string down. Don’t play the 5th or 6th string.

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Playing the C Major Chord in the Open Position

  • Place your first finger on the B string, at the first fret. (2nd string).
  • Your second finger is on the D string. 4th string, at the second fret.
  • Then your third finger is on the 5th string. At the third fret. Which is the A string.
  • When Strumming the C chord. You can strum all the strings.

Em Finger Position

  • Your second finger is placed on the 5th string. At the second fret.
  • Put your third finger on the 4th string. Also at the second fret.
  • When strumming the Em chord you can play all the strings.

Finger Position of the A Chord

  • Place Your first finger on the 4th string. The D string. At the second fret.
  • Your second finger is on the 3rd string. Which is the G string. Also at the second fret.
  • Then your third finger is on the B string. At the second fret. This is the 2nd string.
  • When strumming don’t play the 5th or 6th strings.

These are the chords we are going to use to play the Joe Diffie song. If you need help with chords, and transitioning between them. The Guitar BootCamp Course maybe the course for you. Look at what is included.

Is It Cold In Here Strumming Pattern

Now it’s time to learn the strumming pattern for is it cold in here. As you know this is a Country song, and there are two ways to play this great song. I will show you one way to strum. This would be for more of the beginner guitar player. And then I will show you how to pick the bass notes out and to make it sound more Country.

The strumming pattern is D D UU DU. Which is Down, Down Up Up Down Up. Down, Down Up Up Down Up. Like I said you can play this all the way through.

But if you listen to the song. Like a lot of Country songs you can here the bass line through the song. What I like to do is play the bass note on the guitar. To do this you play the lowest note in the chord that you are playing.

When I play the G chord then I play the lowest G note in the chord. Which is on the third fret of the 6th string. So I am playing this walk up to the C chord. Picking the E string, Two times. Then play the open A string. Place your second finger on the second fret of the A string. Which is the 5th string. Pick the 5th string.

And with your third finger play the lowest C note on the C chord. After picking the A string you go right into the C chord. Now when you are strumming the C chord, you want to pick the low C note. Which is playing that A string and then strumming the C chord.

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Walk Over to the C Chord

When you go back to the G chord there is a Walk over and back to the C chord. It goes like this. Begin playing the G chord pick the E string, and strum down one time. then pick the E string. Which is actually playing the G note on the third fret of the 6th string. After strumming the G chord there’s the walk up. Move down half a step or a fret to the second fret.

This is the F# and strum the open string. Pick the F# again and then play the open E string. Remember it is the 6th string. And play the Em, strumming down one time. Then go to the C chord. Picking the C note and then strumming the C chord.

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When playing the D chord. You are playing the lowest note in the D chord. Which is the D string. The fourth string. Pick the D string and then strum the chord. The same goes for playing the lowest note in the A chord.

Pick the open A string. The 5th string and then strum the A chord.

So now you know all the bass notes to play. Practice playing them and strumming. And be sure to get the Tab it will help you learn where to pick the notes. Then I will show you the chord progression next.

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Is It Cold In Here Chord Progression

The intro of the song is simply a D and a G. It goes like this: Intro D D G D G

This song is in 4/4 timing. Every bar is count is to 4. 4 Beats to a measure. The beginning of the song Starts with the D chord. Strum down one time on the D chord and mute the strings. And then play the D chord again, strumming down one time and mute the strings. Then a bar of G, a bar of D and 2 bars of G again. Then the verse starts.

Verse: GG C G G C C D D GC G Em C G D G. The verse starts with a bar of the G chord. And don’t forget to add some bass notes into the mix. At the Start of the G chord and when playing the C chord.

After the G C G G. Walk up to the Em. Really to the C. By playing the notes G F# A and then Em, and eventually playing the C chord. After that play the G D and G chords. Check the tab out at the bottom of this page to see how the walk up goes.

Chorus: C C G C C A DC C G Em C GDGG. The chorus is about the same. But when you get to the part of the song,”Put another Log on the fire,” you want to play the A chord, then the D.

There is another verse and then the Outro is C G D CC D G. Be sure to get the Chord Sheet below. This will help you when practicing the song.

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Is It Cold In Here Lyrics

There's something wrong 
Lord I'm feeling it too
That runs through my heart 
Like a torch cuts through nails
You haven't said a word
are you feeling it too?
Is it cold in here 
Or is it just you?

Did I leave the door wide open
And let the chill kill that old desire
Should I Put my arms around you 
or put another log on the fire
Is it my imagination 
Or did the temperature just drop 
A notch or two
Is it cold in here 
Or is it just you

There's no warmth at all
When I try to hold you near
You stare into space
If I wasn't here 
Did our love just die
Or is it just about to
Is it cold in here 
Or is it just you

Did I leave the door wide open
And let the chill kill that old desire
Should I Put my arms around you
or put another log on the fire
Is it my imagination
Or did the temperature just drop
A notch or two
Is it cold in here
Or is it just you

Oh is it cold in here 
Or is it just you 

If your into Country songs take a look at these 15 Beginner Country Guitar Songs.

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Is It Cold In Here Chords and Lyrics

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If you made it this far you probably enjoyed this lesson> I have some more guitar lessons that you are going to want to see. Some are on my YouTube Channel YourGuitarGuide. If you go there have a look around and Don’t forget to Subscribe.

Another great source are the 11 Easy Songs on Guitar. But that’s not all! I also compilled some Country Love songs that you can find in here: Easy Country Love Songs to Play on Guitar 10+

That Should Keep you busy for a while. If you are into the blues I have a new course out called Easy Blues Composition for a limited time it’s on sale. You will get all the pieces to play the composition and when you’ve completed the course you will be playing a new song, with more insight on the blues. Be sure to get your online course before the sale ends.

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