Elvis will always be one of my favorite singers. And if you are like me you probably want to learn how to play elvis songs on guitar. Well now you will be able to after learning these Elvis songs they are easy songs that a beginner guitar player should be able to play.
To start here are 3 Elvis songs on guitar: Elvis songs on guitar; How to Play Burning Love, That’s Alright, Blue Christmas. These are all songs that Elvis Presley sang very well. And now you can learn how to play them on guitar. With learning the Chords, Strumming Pattern, Chord progression, and any guitar licks or riffs that in the song.

How to Play Burning Love by Elvis Presley on Guitar
Lets start by looking at what chords are in the song Burning Love. On a side note this is my favorite Elvis song. But back to the chords there are 4 Easy Chords in the song. Take a look at the chords in the diagrams. If you need help with chord diagrams look at this quick reference. How to read guitar chords.

The Chords are D G A & Bm. See How to position your fingers to play the chords. If you already know, then skip further down to the strumming pattern and chord progression.
How to Position Your Fretting Hand for the G Chord
- Place Your first finger at the second fret of the A string. Which is the 5th string.
- Put your second finger at the third fret on the E string. The 6th string.
- Your Third Finger is at the third fret. On the B string.
- Then place your pinkie on the third fret of the high E string. The 1st string.
- When strumming the G chord you can play all the strings.
There are several ways to play the open G chord. Here’s my way of playing the G chord.
- Place your second finger on the 5th string, at the second fret.
- Third finger on the 6th string, at the third fret.
- Pinkie on the high E string, the 1st string, at the third fret.
- Strum all the strings.
Figure out what is most comfortable for you and go with that. Let’s look at the other chords in the song.
Related Article: 58 Beginner guitar tips you should know.
Finger Position of the D Chord
- Place your finger on the 3rd string. The G string. At the second fret.
- Put your second finger on the 1st string. (E string). Also on the second fret.
- Then your third finger is on the 2nd string. (B string). On the third fret.
- Strum from the 4th string down. Don’t play the 5th or 6th string.
Related Article: 3 Ways to play the D chord on guitar.
How to Properly Play the A Chord
- Place Your first finger on the 4th string. The D string. At the second fret.
- Your second finger is on the 3rd string. Which is the G string. Also at the second fret.
- Then your third finger is on the B string. At the second fret. This is the 2nd string.
- Strum from the 4th string down, and don’t play the 6th strings.
Related Article: 5 Ways to Play the A Chord on Guitar.
What’s the Proper Finger Placement of the Bm Chord
- Place your first finger at the 2nd fret across the first 5 strings.
- Your second finger is on the B string. (2nd String). At the 3rd fret.
- Next place your third finger on the 4th string. Which is the D string. At the 4th fret.
- Then your pinkie is under that finger. Put it on the 3rd string. Also at the 4th fret.
- When strumming don’t strum the E string. The 6th string.
The next thing to know is how to strum this song. The strumming pattern is D D U U D or Down Down UP UP Down. To practice this don’t worry about the chords. Just mute the strings with your fretting hand and then strum D D U U D. And repeat.
Remember when strumming you want to keep that hand as relaxed as possible. Holding the pick between your finger and thumb. All these little things add up to proper technique which is a must have. When playing the guitar. If you need help with fretting or pick technique check out the 10 things every beginner needs to know.
The Chord Progression to Burning Love
The song start with the D chord. The intro: Is three measures of D then the verse begins. One measure is 4 beats of D. This is 1 2 3 4. So three measures is 1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4. Then the verse begins.
The Verse
When the Verse begins you are still playing the D and then it goes to G A and back to the D. There is 4 beats of the D, 2 beats on the G and 2 beats on the A and back to the D chord.
The chorus is the Bm to the A to the G chord. There are 2 beats of the Bm and A and then play the G chord for a measure. You do that 2 times through. Then it does the same which is Bm, A, G, Then it goes one beat of the A chord. Strum down one time and go back to the D chord.
Related Article: Elvis Chords: One Night With You.
How to Play Burning Love by Elvis Presley Guitar Tutorial
That’s Alright
The next easy Elvis song on guitar is That’s Alright sometimes mistaken for that’s alright mama. Let’s look at the chords that are in this song. Take a look at the chord diagrams below and how to place your fingers to play the chords.

How to Play the A Chord
- Place Your first finger on the 4th string. The D string. At the second fret.
- Your second finger is on the 3rd string. Which is the G string. Also at the second fret.
- Then your third finger is on the B string. At the second fret. This is the 2nd string.
- Strum from the 4th string down, and don’t play the 6th strings.
Playing the D Chord in the Open Position
- Place your finger on the 3rd string. The G string. At the second fret.
- Put your second finger on the 1st string. (E string). Also on the second fret.
- Then your third finger is on the 2nd string. (B string). On the third fret.
- Strum from the 4th string down. Don’t play the 5th or 6th string.
What’s the Finger Position of the E Chord
- Place your first finger on the 3rd string. (G string). At the first fret.
- Your second finger is on the A string. (5th string). Also at the second fret.
- Then your third finger is on the D string. 4th string, second fret.
- When strumming the E chord you can strum all the strings.
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Strumming Pattern to That’s Alright By Elvis
You could simply strum the 3 chords. The song is in 4/4 timing. But to sound just like the record this is how to strum the chords. Let’s begin with the D chord.
What you want to do is first set your fretting hand up to play the A chord. Then what your going to do is pick the A string. Which is the 5th string. Then strum the A chord. Next pick the D string. Which is the 4th string, and strum the A chord again. After practicing this to play the song. You are going to play the A chord for 2 bars. Then go to the D chord.
How to strum the D chord with this strumming pattern. Place your fretting hand & fingers in position to play the D. Then you want to pick the open D string. Which is the fourth string. And strum the D chord. Then pick the G string. Which is the third string and strum the D chord again. Practice playing the D chord. Then practice going from A to D.
After that you are going to play the E chord. Place your fingers in position to play the E chord. And you are going to pick the open E string. Which is the sixth sting. Then strum the E chord. Next pick the A string and strum the E chord again. Practice playing the E chord and this strumming pattern. Once you can play the E chord then try playing all three chords together.
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The Chord Progression to That’s Alright by Elvis
Pick and strum the A chord for 4 measures, Then go to the D chord and play the D chord for 2 Measures or 8 beats. Then move to the E chord and you play that for 2 measures. Then it goes back to the A chord. The Tempo of this song is fast. But while your learning it just slow it down. Make it your own and change the tempo. Play it at a speed that you feel comfortable with.
Related Article: How to play Mercy Now on guitar with easy chords.
Fancy Bass Line in That’s Alright
Start by playing the open E string. Which is the 6th string. Then play the 2nd fret of the 6th string. The note is an F#. Next play a G#, which is the note on the 4th fret of the 6th string.
Then go to the A string and play the open A string. All together it is: E F# G# A. Then After you have played the open A string go right into the strumming pattern of the A chord.
Click the link to see the Video Tutorial to That’s Alright.
More Elvis Songs on Guitar: Blue Christmas
You can’t talk about Elvis songs on guitar without talking about Elvis Christmas songs. And I have the perfect Elvis song to play on guitar. And that is Blue Christmas. Look at the easy chords that are in this song. E B b7 E7 A F#7 G#. There are quite a few chords in this song. But it is so much fun to play once you learn them. Look at the chords below.

How to Play the E Major Chord
- Place your first finger on the 3rd string. (G string). At the first fret.
- Your second finger is on the A string. (5th string). Also at the second fret.
- Then your third finger is on the D string. 4th string, second fret.
- When strumming the E chord you can strum all the strings.
B Chord Fretting Hand Position
- Place your first finger at the 2nd fret of the 5th string. (A string)
- Then use your 3rd finger and bar strings 4 3 2 at the 4th fret.
- Don’t play the 6th string when strumming.
Finger Position of the B7 Guitar Chord
- Place your first finger on the 4th string at the 1st fret. The D string.
- Next place your second finger on the 5th string at the second fret. (A string).
- Your third finger is on the 3rd string at the 2nd fret. (G string).
- Then your Pinkie is on the 1st string at the second fret. (E string).
- Strum the first 5 strings only.
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How to Play the E7 Chord on Guitar
- Place your first finger on the 3rd string at the first fret. (G string)
- Then your 2nd finger is at the 2nd fret of the 5th string. (A string)
- Play all the stings when strumming.
How to Place Your Fingers to Play the A chord
- Place Your first finger on the 4th string. The D string. At the second fret.
- Your second finger is on the 3rd string. Which is the G string. Also at the second fret.
- Then your third finger is on the B string. At the second fret. This is the 2nd string.
- Strum from the 4th string down, and don’t play the 6th strings.
Finger Position of the F#7 Chord
- Your first finger is across all the strings at the second fret. Like a Capo.
- Place your second finger on the 3rd string. (G string). At the third fret.
- Then place your third finger on the 5th string. The A string, on the 4th fret.
- You can strum all the strings when playing the F#7 Bar Chord.
How to Play the G# or Ab Chord
- Your first finger is across all the strings at the fourth fret. Like a Capo.
- Place your second finger on the 3rd string. (G string). At the 5th fret.
- Then place your third finger on the 5th string. The A string, on the 6th fret.
- Under the third finger is your pinkie. Also at the 6th fret on the 4th string.
- You can strum all the strings when playing the G# Barre Chord.
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The Chord Progression to Blue Christmas
Starting the song you are going to play the E chord. And you play for a bar. Then you go to the B chord and play for one measure. After that play the B7 for a measure. Then it goes back to the E chord. Which is played for a measure. You do this 2 times through.
Then on the E chord. A bar of E and then a bar of the B chord. The next chord in the progression is B7. You play a measure of the B7 and then back to the E chord. Play a measure of E chord and then E7 for a measure. Next chord to play is the A chord. and then there is a walk up.
The Walk up
The walk up from the A to the _ . Play the open A string and then fret the 4th fret on the E string. And play that note. Which is the G#. Then fret the 3rd fret of the E string. Picking that E string now you are playing the G. Which is at the 3rd fret on the E string. Next fret with your first finger the F# and pick the 6 string. You are going to go right into playing the F#7 chord.
Related Article: Easy Christmas Songs on Guitar to Play for Family & Friends.
Picking the Strings When Strumming the F#7 Chord
Now that your fingers are set to play the F#7 chord. Pick the 6th string and strum the chord. Then pick the 5th string and strum the chord. You play one bar of he F#7 and then move to the B7 chord. You are just going to strum down one time on the B7 chord. And stop the string vibration. This is (“while your not here with me”) Then it picks up on the E chord again.
Related Article: How to alternate pick on guitar (My YouTube Channel).
Strumming Blue Christmas By Elvis Presley
The E chord Pick the 6th string and strum the E chord. Then pick the A string and strum the E chord again. When strumming the B chord. First pick the 5th string, and strum the B chord. Then move your first finger up to the 6th string at the second fret. Which is right above where it is when playing the B chord. Move it up and pick the 6th string and then strum the B chord.
Playing the B7 after setting up your fingers to play the B7. Simply pick the A string. Which is the 5th string, and then strum the B7. Then pick the D string. Which is the 4th string and strum the B7 again.
It might be hard to go from the F#7 to the B7. To practice this move don’t even worry about strumming. Place your hands on the strings for the F#7 take a look at where your fingers are. Then move to the B7 look to make sure your fingers are on the right strings.
And then move back to the F#7. Once you feel comfortable doing that. Pick one string at a time when your fingers are in position to make sure you are holding the chord properly. So that it rings out nice. If not see what the problem is correct it and move to the next chord.
Click the link to see the Video Tutorial to Blue Christmas.
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